Thursday, December 4, 2008

Second to last...

From here to sempiternity,

I want to thank you for letting me join you for this past month and a half. And although my time here has flown by and it's been great, I have some pretty important things back in the U.S. that I need to attend to i.e. my college exit interviews and my wedding.

One question that has been asked of me numerous times since coming to Taejon is, “Why did you come to TCIS to student teach?” I guess as opposed to SFS or some other school. The undertone I hear in that question, and I’ve heard elsewhere, is that somehow TCIS is an inferior school to SFS or other similar schools, also hinting at a further insecurity that somehow the TCIS students are inferior to SFS students. Honestly, that kind of sentiment bothers me because after having worked with you for the past month and half I can say that you are in no way inferior to SFS students so pick your chin up and have some pride in your school and your identity as a TCIS student. All of this to say that I am proud to have worked with you, and I am proud of the things you are accomplishing here at TCIS.

I'll be making one more post in the near future, and I am going to continue posting on your blogs, although I may not be able to in the next week or so. Press on Sempiternal Class, Press on.


  1. Thank you Mr. Rader for spending time with us to help our discussions for both Flannery and Peacechild. And thank you also for making us feel proud of ourselves; we will be able to feel more confident in ourselves when we face SFS students again. haha I hope both your wedding and school interview will work out smoothly. We will defintely feel the emptiness in our heart when we come back to school on Monday:(

  2. Thanks Mr. Rader! I am glad that you were able to come to TCIS and see all that we are accomplishing! I also feel that many students at TCIS looks down upon themselves, when in actuality, this school has so many great things about it. And even though we may lose to SFS now and again, or any other school for that matter, TCIS is one of a kind. A school that has its own unique "character" and strengths. And I intend to keep nagging about that and be an encouragement!
    Also, thanks for going to Vida! It was an experience I will never forget and can't wait to get involved in. It will be goal while I am here at TCIS to spread the wonders of God's love! Oh and thanks for the CD! I love those songs! Happy 4th… for the rest of your life! Have a wonderful wedding!
    De Colores!

  3. Mr. Rader,

    I really enjoyed the past month with you in our class. I know many students in all three of the English classes will miss having you leading discussions and helping us learn more about Flannery O'Connor and the Peace Child. I hope all goes well with your college exit interviews and your wedding, and come visit us sometime in the future!

  4. Hey Mr. Rader. I promise I'll be practicing ball hard and post all the blogs asap. Hope you could have stayed a bit longer and teach me how to play ball more often. Hope all goes well with you. zai jian!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you for everything, Mr. Radar! You expected more out of us and made us better English students. Thanks for reminding me that TCIS isn’t all that bad. Ever since I started attending this school, which was fourth grade, I noticed that SFS had been put up on a pedestal. Though I do not know much about the students or the education provided by SFS, I know that TCIS has a great student body and awesome teachers who push us to be better. Your time here was short, but you will not be forgotten, for you have taught us SO MUCH! Again, Thank you!

    PS. I say SFS is no better than TCIS. They're just bigger. GO DRAGONS! :)

  7. Thanks a lot Mr. Rader for the past few weeks of class. You really helped our class come out of our inner selves, it really showed on the last day of discussion. Really wanted to run with you in running club, but couldn't find the time to do so. Hope you come visit some time or consider teaching at TCIS. Later! -Jin #1

  8. It was an awesome semester with you teaching us!! Honestly...even though I'm not the best student in class;; lol...newayz I hope u enjoyed your stay at TCIS and hope you come back and visit us soon!! Hope you have a great wedding and thanks for everything!!!

    -original Jin #1
